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Turning Solar3d Into a Chrome App

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Ventured tonight with creating an installable Chrome App in #dartlang.

I was compiling to javascript and ran into problems with dart2js using unsafe evals, there not allowed in Chrome Apps.


dart2js provides the ability to disallow them using dart2js --disallow-unsafe-eval.

After another try loading up the app some funky business was going on, filed a bug at dartbug and within minutes someone had looked at the issue and pointed me to a patch.

Luckily the way dart2js is laid out in the dart-sdk a patch could be applied without side effects. Great design by the dart2js team, reducing the ability of needing to build from bleeding_edge.

$ curl https://codereview.chromium.org/download/issue11491005_1.diff | patch -p2
patching file lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/js_backend/emitter.dart
patching file lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/js_backend/emitter_no_eval.dart

Note you must remove the snapshot build of dart2js. The snapshot build of dart2js providers faster load times by the VM.

$ rm -rf /Applications/dart/dart-sdk/lib/_internal/compiler/implementation/dart2js.dart.snapshot

Rebuilt and reloaded the application and solar3d worked as a Chrome App!

$ dart2js --disallow-unsafe-eval -osolar.dart.js solar.dart


Your welcome to checkout the minior modifications of solar3d on github. Follow the instructions Getting Started with Chrome Apps on loading unpacked extentions.