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Dart Classify Markup Example

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I was looking for a simple way to create some markup dynamically of syntax highlighted dart code, in dart! A big thanks to Bob Nystrom from the Dart team for suggesting the simplest solution. Use classify from dartdoc. A live example of this can be found here along with the source code. Example of how to use dartdoc/classify.dart dartdoc is used for generating static HTML for the api.dartlang.org site. This example shows how importing dartdoc/classify.dart one could generate syntax highlighted dart code at runtime. Patching Currently you need to modify the import statement to reference the location of classify.dart. [code lang=”java”] #import(‘../../dart_bleeding/dart/utils/dartdoc/classify.dart’, prefix:"classify"); [/code] Building Build with minfrog for best results. At the moment dart editor does not seem happy with me on importing dartdoc/classify.dart. So compiling with minfrog worked best. [code lang=”bash”] minfrog –compile-only –out=ClassifyExample.dart.js ClassifyExample.dart [/code] Using classify This is the easiest part! Create a SourceFile and add pass it along to classifySource which will return a properly formatted string of span elements that has class attributes set. From that point you can add a css style to the span elements. [code lang=”java”] String code = "main() { print(‘hello world’); }"; classify.SourceFile sf = new classify.SourceFile("sf.dart", code); String c = classify.classifySource(sf); [/code] [code lang=”html”] <span class="i ">main</span><span class="p ">(</span><span class="p ">)</span><span> </span><span class="p ">{</span><span> </span><span class="i ">print</span> <span class="p ">(</span><span class="s si">’hello world’</span> <span class="p ">)</span><span class="p ">;</span><span> </span><span class="p ">}</span> [/code] Example css style [code lang=”css”] /* Syntax highlighting. */ /* Note: these correspond to the constants in classify.dart. */ .e { color: hsl( 0, 100%, 70%); } /* Error */ .c { color: hsl(220, 20%, 65%); } /* Comment */ .i { color: hsl(220, 20%, 20%); } /* Identifier */ .k { color: hsl(220, 100%, 50%); } /* Keyword */ .p { color: hsl(220, 20%, 50%); } /* Punctuation */ .o { color: hsl(220, 40%, 50%); } /* Operator */ .s { color: hsl( 40, 90%, 40%); } /* String */ .n { color: hsl( 30, 70%, 50%); } /* Number */ .t { color: hsl(180, 40%, 40%); } /* Type Name */ .r { color: hsl(200, 100%, 50%); } /* Special Identifier */ .a { color: hsl(220, 100%, 45%); } /* Arrow */ /* Interpolated expressions within strings. */ .si { background: hsl(40, 100%, 90%); } .s.si { background: hsl(40, 80%, 95%); } .i.si { color: hsl(40, 30%, 30%); } .p.si { color: hsl(40, 60%, 40%); } [/code]