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New Google Finance API Demo Released in C#

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Added a simple application that lets you do a complete management of your Google Portfolio from the command line. You can load an example S&P 500 CSV file, create & delete portfolios, add & remove stocks, add transactions of stocks. etc.. Try it out and have fun with it, does provide a good example of how you could create your own application using the methods in GoogleFinanceManager.cs. You might notice I use a YahooHelper.cs object, this is cause Google does not yet provide a way (or one that I know of) to resolve which exchange a ticker symbol is located. Soon will be working on another example demo that will involve WPF. If you have any problems, questions or comments please feel free to contact me directly or leave a post. Please, if you can donate some money. Even if this project does not serve anything purposeful yet, any donations can really help.

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